Dye an egg with colorful crepe paper.

Spotted Eggs
Water and oil don’t mix, which makes for some interesting designs.

Disappearing Matchsticks
You can make matches disappear from their box!
Four Robbers
How do the Jacks move magically to the top of the deck?

Doodle Bug Shake
A critter-filled milkshake.
Marshmallow Face
Mom always said that if you make faces, it’ll stick!

Tornado in a Bottle
Make your own tornado with water!
Salt and Melting
What does salt have to do with melting? Find out!

Rule the palace, or rather, the backyard with this royal game!
No airbag needed.

Other Jokes
Check out some of our favorite tummy ticklers!
Knock Knock Jokes (page 2)
Who’s there? Read our gut busting knock-knock jokes.

Facts About People
People are strange. These facts are even stranger!
Facts About Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air.