A flower that will last all year.
Natural Dyes for Easter Eggs
Use everyday foods to create your own natural dyes.
Plate Through Fingers
You can push a plate through the fingers of your friend!
Disappearing Saltshaker
Where’d it go!? It just vanished into thin air!!!
Fruit Punch
Three kinds of juice plus some ginger ale makes a great punch!
Peanutchoca Shake
Try Amanda’s delicious peanut butter and chocolate milk shake!
Spikes on a String
You can make spikes that grow from a piece of string!
Blow Bubbles
Don’t blow bubbles in your milk — blow them for this experiment!
Horse Tag
Get your “neigh-bors” together and start horsin’ around!
Marco Polo
Play tag in the swimming pool, but no peeking!
Halloween Jokes
Ghoulishly great Halloween fun.
4th of July Jokes
Patriotic jokes for Independence Day.
Facts about Hanukkah
Celebrate the Festival of Lights!
Facts About Valentine’s Day
Love is in the air.