What You Need:
- 8 or more players
- Split up into two teams, one for each half of the field. One team is Red and the other is Blue.
- The two teams line up along the centerline and wait for the game leader to say either “Red” or “Blue”.
- Whichever team’s name is called is the team that is now “it.” That team must try to tag as many of the other team’s players before they get across the line to their own safe area.
- If a player is tagged before crossing the line, they switch teams and join the team which tagged them. If the player makes it across the line without being tagged, he stays on the team he was on.
- When all players have either been tagged or are safe, both teams line up again on the centerline and play continues again with the call of either “Red” or “Blue”.
- When one of the teams has an overwhelming majority of players, they are declared the winners