Dinosaurs probably lived to be between 75 to 300 years of age. Scientists figured this out from looking at the structure of their bones.
One way to tell the age of a fish is by looking at its scales. They have growth rings just like trees. These are called circuli. Clusters of them are called annuli. Each annuli show one year.
The northern fur seal, rather than using a layer of fat to keep it warm, depends on its thick fur with some 300,000 hairs per square inch.
The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its body!
Did you know porpoises could surf? They are frequently seen riding the bow wave of a ship. They make no swimming motions and can ride the wake for more than an hour. They can also turn on their side or flip completely around. Surf’s up porpe!
Fish swimming at depths of 15,000 feet (almost 3 miles down!) can withstand a pressure of 7,000 pounds per square inch. They are able to live in these crushing depths by pumping gas into their swim bladder.
You may have heard someone say, “It’s raining cats and dogs.” There have been actual documented cases from all over the world of fish, frogs, dead birds, snakes, snails, beetles, worms and jellyfish raining down from the sky in great numbers, but no reports of showers of cats or dogs.
The blue whale, the largest animal to have ever existed, is 96 feet long and weights 125 tons. This is as much as 4 large dinosaurs (Brontosauri), 23 elephants, 230 cows or 1800 men.
Some animals produce their own lights, called bioluminescence. The Brazilian railroad worm has a red light on its head and green lights down its side. All it needs to drive on the street is a turn signal.
The fastest bird is the peregrine falcon. It can fly at a speed of 168-217 miles per hour.
The largest egg laid by a living bird is that of the North African Ostrich. It is 6 to 8 inches in length and 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The smallest is that of the hummingbird. It is less than 0.39 inches in diameter.
Whether an alligator is a male or female can be determined by the temperature of the nest where the egg is hatched. 90 to 93 degrees will make it a male; 82 to 86 degrees will turn it into a female.
Animals with some of the longest lives are the Marion’s tortoise (152 years), the fin whale (116 years) and the deep-sea clam (100 years).
An electric eel can produce a shock of 600 volts. That’s enough to stun large animals and even knock a horse off its feet.
Cows can sleep standing up.
Salamanders are known to come out of wood when it was burning inside a fireplace, this is because Salamanders hibernate in wood.
Some frogs can pull their eyes into their throat and help push food down!
An African adult elephant eats about six hundred pounds of food a day; that’s four percent of the elephant’s body weight!
The smallest fish in the world are the pygmy goby and the Luzon goby, from the Philippines, which are only one-half-inch long when they are full grown.
The 14-foot-long narwhal is a whale whose tooth can reach up to eight feet long!
Chimpanzees use tools more than any other animal except man.
Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.
The mandrill baboon has a red nose, blue cheeks, and an orange beard!
Hummingbirds flap their wings between 50 and 70 times a second!
When an octopus gets angry, it shoots a stream of black “ink”.
There are about 100 billion birds in the world, and about 6 billion of them make their homes in the United States.
The emperor penguin is playful, and often times lies on its chest and side to slide along the ice and snow.
The leatherback is the biggest sea turtle, and it can weigh as much as 1,500 pounds.
The snapping shrimp, only 1 1/2 inches long, makes a noise with its one big claw, which sounds exactly like a firecracker.
Flying fish actually glide on wind currents above the surface of the water, sometimes up to 20 feet above the surface.
Sea snakes are the most poisonous snakes in the world.
Adult male giraffes bang their long necks together in a form of ritual fighting, during which no harm is done to either giraffe.
The stonefish, which lives off the coast of Australia, is the most poisonous fish in the world.
The black-necked cobra, which lives mostly in Africa, spits its venom into the eyes of its victim, to cause it blindness.
When two lovebirds appear to be kissing, they are actually grooming each other with their bills to keep clean and neat.
A bird called the bee eater in areas of Africa thinks that riding around on the backs of other animals is fun!
The dipper bird builds nests behind waterfalls for protection.
Vultures can soar for hours without one beat of their wings.
Sea horses pull themselves around with their chins leading them.
Foxes sometimes nip at the heals of cattle so the stomping of the cattle makes mice and other rodents come out of the ground, for the fox to eat.
The guanaco of South America, a cousin of the camel, has pads on its feet to keep its feet from burning on desert sand or freezing in mountain snow.
The fiddler crab can grow a new claw when it loses one of its own.
Blue jays often forget where they hide winter supplies of food.
The largest bird egg ever laid was laid millions of years ago by the Madagascar, or the elephant bird.
Today, the ostrich is the bird that lays the largest eggs.
Scallops swim with jet-propelled speed by clapping its shell open and shut.
Some ducks and geese can fly as much as 332 miles a day!
The lung fish can live out of water for as long as four years!
The Egyptian vulture uses stones to smash ostrich eggs.
Birds save energy by flying in a “V” formation.
Theodore Roosevelt was the U.S. President with the most pets, including a lion, hyena, wildcat, five bears, and many more!
Killer Whales are the only sea animal that outranks the Tiger Shark as top predator of the sea.
Salamanders breath through their skin.
People used to think the Manatee was a mermaid.
Some fish have eyes that are the same size as their stomach!
A female seahorse lets her husband store her babies inside his stomach!
There are as many hairs per square inch on your body as a chimpanzee.You don’t see all of them because most are too fine and light to be noticed.
The bee frog of Africa is no bigger than a bee.
An okapi’s tongue can grow to be 17 inches long.
Cows have four-chambered stomachs.
Fish have gel-slime on their bodies that protects them from parasites.
An owl’s eyes are bigger than its brain.
The faster kangaroos hop, the less energy they use.
The flying fox of Africa has a wingspan of fifty inches!
Giraffes have black tongues.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it.
Some frogs can be frozen solid, then thawed, and continue living.
Ostriches stick their heads in the sand to look for water.
A duck’s quack has no echo.
Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs can only make 10.
Texas horned toads can shoot blood out of the corners of their eyes.
Starfish have eight eyes–one at the end of each leg.
Honeybees have hair on their eyes.
The only bird that can fly backwards is the Hummingbird.
Alligators cannot move backwards.
A starfish doesn’t have a brain.
Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
The Arctic tern flies an average of 22,000 miles a year!
A hummingbird weighs less than a penny!
Camels have three sets of eyelids.
The flying fox is a bat with a wing span over five feet.
On ostrich’s egg weighs 3 1/2 pounds.
A giant squid’s eyes are bigger than dinner plates.
Dogs sweat only through their tongues.
A kangaroo can jump 45 feet!
A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing.
You can lead a cow up a stairwell but not down a stairwell.
Dogs can’t see colors. They’re color blind.
Squirrels can’t remember where they hide half of their nuts.
The stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut!
Bats always turn left when they leave their caves.
Octopuses have 3 hearts.
A giraffe’s tongue can measure 21 inches.
Baby robins eat 14 feet of earthworms every day!
Some wild tigers can eat up to 40 pounds of meat at a time, and not eat again for several days.
The first animal sent up to outer space was a dog.
The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived (it could reach 100 feet long and weight up to 150 tons!)
The smallest frog is less than 3/8 of an inch in length.
The smallest cat is the Singapuras and weighs only 4 pounds.
Most hamsters blink one eye at a time.
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Cows have four stomachs.
Only one mammal can’t jump — the elephant.
Dragonflies can fly up to 50 miles per hour.
A goldfish can live up to 40 years.
A peregrine falcon can reach speeds up to 200 miles per hour.
A skunk can spray its stench twelve feet away.
Female lions do 90% of the hunting.
A duck has three eyelids.
Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
A gecko uses its tounge to clean its eyeballs!