What You Need:
- Handkerchief
- Rubberband
- Quarter
- Tell your audience you can make a coin disappear as soon as you put it in the handkerchief.
- Secretly slip a rubber band over your four fingertips, and keep that hidden with the handkerchief while you’re showing it to the audience.
- Now cover up your hand with the handkerchief. Underneath, slip your thumb under the rubber band too, and move your thumb away from the rest of your fingers, to stretch the rubber band.
- Take the quarter, and put it on top of the handkerchief, pushing deeply into the gap between your fingers and thumb.
- Secretly and quickly slip the rubber band off your fingers, and that will trap the coin against a fold of the handkerchief.
- Wave the handkerchief for the audience to see that the coin is “gone”, when it is really still in the handkerchief.
Submitted by Sarah