What You Need:
- Paper plate
- Markers
- Scissors
- A straw
- Scotch tape
- Kite twine
- Draw a climbing guy/gal in the center of the paper plate approx. 3″ tall & cut out.
- Cut two pieces of straw approx. 1″ long and tape to the front of Climbing Guy/Gal.
- Cut one long piece of kite twine and loop through the straws.
- Hook loop over a door knob, stairwell rail (with extra long string) or tree limb & pull ends of string to climb your Climbing Guy /Gal quickly to the top!
Design Challenge:
Hold Climbing Guy/Gal climbing contests with your friends. Challenge yourself to develop new techniques with string extensions to speed your climbing friend to the finish!
Like this idea? Read: Fantastic Flying Fun with Science by Ed Sobey for many more inventions for kids!